Community Building

Community Building

The Racine Revitalization Partnership and Community

The Racine Revitalization Partnership's goal for Community building is to bring the community together by offering opportunities and events that utilize existing commercial spaces and encourage diversity and relationship building in our neighborhoods. The Treasures of Uptown and National Night Out events are great examples of RRP community building. efforts

The Treasures of Uptown Event

The Treasure of Contributers

Police Command Vehicle

The local Police were able to come out and bring the Command Vehicle.This treasure generated 150 unique visitors, and remained busy throughout the event, the Police Command Vehicle kept the party going longer than anticipated.

Local Food Trucks 

Yogi’s Puddin was nice enough to come out to the Treasures of Uptown event. They came geared with 400 individual servings of pudding and sold out by 2:30pm. Q’s Stomach Fuel also joined us and sold out of everything except frozen French fries. They estimated about 300 people were served during the event.


The Bonk! 108: 100 Thousand Poets for Change, came to perform during the event. Their performance was a wonderful demonstration of their talent and had roughly 75 people in attendance by 6:00pm

The Vital Art Project engaged many attendees and yielded some great visuals in the process! Over 100 unique visitors were present at the art project throughout the day.

The Car Show was a great addition to the evening festivities. 8 different cars in attendance

The Kids Area was an awesome way to engage Racine’s youth! The Bounce House was the night’s fan favorite and was active between 12 noon until tear down at 6:00pm

The Street Festival was a hit! All the festivities brought many community members together! Hours of attendance were roughly 11:30am to 5:00pm. Our peak hour was roughly 1:00pm to 2:00pm!

Our Volunteer Turn out was one for the books! A special thank you to the 30 volunteers for participating and making the Treasures of Uptown event so special!